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Luise Marion Frenkel

    • é Professora Doutora (MS-3.2) de Língua e Literatura Grega da Universidade de São Paulo. Com doutorado pela Universidade de Cambridge (Inglaterra) e em Matemática Aplicada pelo IME/USP, é bacharel em Letras - Grego pela FFLCH/USP e em Ciências Moleculares pela USP. Realizou estágios de pesquisa pós-doutoral com bolsa na Escola Britânica de Roma (Itália), USP, Fondation Hardt (Suíça), University of Birmingham (Inglaterra), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Alemanha), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Alemanha) e Max-Weber Kolleg (Erfurt, Alemanha), onde também realizou um pós-doutorado em 2017/18. Foi pesquisadora visitante no St. Edmunds College (Cambridge, Inglaterra) de 2015 a 2024 e desde então no Lucy Cavendish College. É autora de numerosos artigos, capítulos e de um livro sobre a retórica dos discursos de Teódoto de Ancara pela Editora Peeters (Leuven, Bélgica). Em colaboração com grupos de pesquisa internacionais, desenvolve pesquisas interdisciplinares sobre a Antiguidade Tardia, em especial sobre as polêmicas religiosas e sociais do quarto ao sétimo século d.C., a conectividade do Império Romano tardio na África e no Oriente, e o desenvolvimento das ciências, correntes filosóficas e da literatura grega imperial e bizantina, siríaca, copta, árabe e latina. Os temas centrais são as narrativas historiográficas, oralidade, materialidade e os estudos de recepção antiga e moderna. Também prepara a edição crítica de um manuscrito siríaco que preserva um diálogo polêmico grego de V d.C. Tem experiência na área de Línguas e Literaturas Clássicas, com ênfase na Antigüidade Tardia.



    • Antigüidade Tardia
    • Literatura Imperial e Bizantina
    • Recepção de obras gregas em siríaco e copta
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Theodotus of Ancyra's Homilies and the Council of Ephesus (431). Leuven : Peeters, 2015 . X-286p. ISBN: 9789042931473.
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Review of ?Sandra Leuenberger-Wenger, Das Konzil von Chalcedon und die Kirche: Konflikte und Normierungsprozesse im 5. und 6. Jahrhundert? Annales Historiae Conciliorum , v. 50 , p. 439 - 440 , 2022. ISSN: 27028631.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . The reception of Nicaea and the development of monasteries under the Arian and Nicene bishops Annales historiae conciliorum , v. 51 , p. 21 - 38 , 2022. ISSN: 27028631.
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . The reception of the Council of Nicaea by ethnic minorities in the eastern Roman Empire Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , v. 49 , p. 15 - 29 , 2020. ISSN: 00035157.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . El acceso contemporáneo a la cristología de Calcedonia. La lectura de A. De Halleux en diálogo con A. Grillmeier y R. Price, written by Juan Ramon La Parra Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , v. 49 , p. 467 - 468 , 2020. ISSN: 25890433.
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Anastasius of Sinai?s Reaction to the Islamic Expansion Cadernos Patrísticos , v. XII , p. 145 - 192 , 2020. ISSN: 1980010X.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Peace and Harmony at Church Councils and in the Roman Empire under Theodosius II Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum , v. 48 , p. 70 - 86 , 2018. ISSN: 00035157.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Syriac Christological Dialogues and the Transmission of Theodotus of Ancyra’s Contra Nestorium Aramaic Studies , v. 14 , p. 118 - 133 , 2016. ISSN: 14778351.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Individual Christian Voices in the Narratives of Late Antique Acclamations Religion in the Roman Empire (RRE) , v. 2 , p. 196 - 226 , 2016. ISSN: 2199-4463.
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Narrativas de unanimidade e diálogo em protocolos sinodais e hagiografias tardo-antigas Letras Clássicas (USP) , v. 17 , p. 84 - , 2013. ISSN: 15164586.
    • FRENKEL, L. M. ; Garcia, M. V. P. . Kendallâ¿¿s Problem on a Sphere Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems , v. 10 , p. 333 - 341 , 2011. ISSN: 15755460.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Eusebius of Caesarea?s engagement in Syriac Christianities. Sources et modèles des historiens anciens, 3, v. 1, p. 267 - 277, 2024.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Spicing Nonnus up: commercial and religious crossroads and Nonnus? representation of the East. Nonnus of Panopolis in Context IV: Poetry at the Crossroads, v. , p. 195 - 212, 2023.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Power and Authority in Late Antique Synods: Memnon of Ephesus and the Leadership of the Council of Ephesus (431). Synodalis consonantia. Konziliengeschichte als Spiegelbild kirchlicher Diskurskultur und Identitätsfindung. Johannes Grohe zum 70. Geburtstag, v. , p. 117 - 136, 2024.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION ; Guilherme Welte Bernardo . Métricas e práticas performativas helenísticas na poesia popular e polêmica tardo-antiga. A Produção Dramática no Período Helenístico e sua Influência na Literatura Greco-Latina Posterior, v. 1, p. 207 - 226, 2023.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Memnon of Ephesus (verbete). Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online, v. , p. 1 - 4, 2022.
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . ?You have commanded me to set down in writing?? ? paraenetic descriptions of textualisation and the development of the Syriac churches. Patrologie und Ökumene : Theresia Hainthaler zum 75. Geburtstag, v. , p. 231 - 240, 2022.
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Alexandria in control? The written reception and oral transmission of Festal Letters in the light of fifth-century papyri. Studia Patristica. Vol. CIV ? Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019. Volume 1: Introduction; Historica, v. 104, p. 55 - 64, 2021.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Peter?s Dialogical Victories: Religious Leadership in the Pseudo-Clementines and its Syriac Reception. In Search of Truth in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies: New Approaches to a Philosophical and Rhetorical Novel of Late Antiquity, v. , p. 375 - 394, 2022.
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Recovering Late-Antique Christian Identities: The Ongoing Discovery and Rediscovery of Syriac Manuscripts, their Diversity, and Limitations. The Discoveries of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity: Their Impact on Patristic Studies and the Contemporary World (Conference Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Patristic Studies), v. 1, p. 243 - 275, 2021.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . The ?Encomium of the Martyrs? and the Syriac reception of Eusebius of Caesarea. Überleben im Schatten : Geschichte und Kultur des syrischen Christentums, v. , p. 81 - 102, 2020.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Historiographic Narratives on the Authority of Imperial Writings in Christian Polemics. Studia Patristica. Vol. C - Including Papers Presented at the Sixth British Patristics Conference, Birmingham, 5-7 September 2016, v. 100, p. 165 - 172, 2020.
    • Ben-Tov, Asaph ; Dey, Amit ; FRENKEL, LUISE MARION ; Malinar, Angelika ; Fuchs, Martin ; Linkenbach, Antje ; Mulsow, Martin ; Otto, Bernd-Christian ; Parson, Rahul Bjørn ; Rüpke, Jörg . Afterword: pluralisation. Religious Individualisation, v. 2, p. 1291 - 1296, 2019.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION ; Fuchs, Martin ; Linkenbach, Antje ; Mulsow, Martin ; Otto, Bernd-Christian ; Parson, Rahul Bjørn ; Rüpke, Jörg . Institutionalisation of tradition and individualised lived Christian religion in Late Antiquity. Religious Individualisation, v. 2, p. 1223 - 1254, 2019.
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . The destruction of imperial writings in late-antique historiographic narratives. Problemas de Historiografia Helenística, v. 1, p. 209 - 230, 2019.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Mustering Sources and Vindication: Theodoret of Cyrrhus? Sources and the Models of Greek Ecclesiastical Historiography. Sources et modèles des historiens anciens, v. 109, p. 349 - 358, 2018.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Procedural similarities between fourth and fifth-century Christian synods and the Roman Senates: myth, politics or cultural identity?. Studia Patristica. Vol. XCII - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015. Volume 18: Liturgica and Tractatus Symboli; Orientalia; Critica et Philologica; Historica, v. 92, p. 293 - 302, 2017.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . The imperial identity of senatorial rituals in Late Antiquity. Imperial Identities in the Roman World, v. , p. 199 - 218, 2017.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . The Record of Acclamations and Cries in the Acts of Ephesus (431). tudia Patristica LXXIV, Including papers presented at the Fifth British Patristics Conference, London, 3-5 September 2014, v. 1, p. 303 - 316, 2016.
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Some Theological Considerations on the Visual Representation of the ?Suffering on the Cross? in the First Half of the Fifth Century. Studia Patristica. Vol. LXXIII - Including Papers presented at the Conference on ?Early Christian Iconography?, held in Pécs, Hungary, v. , p. 175 - 193, 2014.
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . ?Dear Prefect, Stop the Ill Rumour!? John of Antioch?s Tactics to Counter Cyrillian Propaganda after the Council of Ephesus I. Studia Patristica. Vol. LXXII - Including Papers presented at the Fourth British Patristics Conference, at the University of Exeter, 5-7 September 2012, v. , p. 257 - 267, 2014.
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Christological treatises in Eastern Christianity: comparison of the Ethiopic and Syriac reception of Cyrillian works from the First Council of Ephesus. La teologia dal V all'VIII secolo fra sviluppo e crisi: XLI Incontro di studiosi dell'antichità cristiana (Roma, 9-11 maggio 2013), v. 140, p. 741 - 748, 2014.
    • Frenkel, L. M. . What are Sermons Doing in the Proceedings of a Council? The Case of Ephesus 431. Studia Patristica LXII - Papers presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011, v. 10, p. 363 - 370, 2013.
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Preaching at the Council of Ephesus (431). Studia Patristica. Vol. LII - Including Papers presented at the British Patristics Conference, Durham, September 2010, v. 52, p. 285 - 294, 2012.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Abgeschlossene Projekte . Nachrichten des Max-Weber-Kollegs , Erfurt , 30 nov. 2018.
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Projekte der Fellows . Nachrichten , Erfurt , 30 nov. 2015.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Abschlussbericht . Nachrichten , Erfurt , 10 nov. 2016.
    • Garcia, M. V. P. ; Frenkel, L. M. . O problema de Kendall na esfera. In: 68° Seminário Brasileiro de Análise , 2008 , São Paulo. Trabalhos apresentados no 68° Seminário Brasileiro de Análise. São Paulo : Comissão Nacional do Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, 2008.
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Between Stones and Songs: Fourth-Century Symbols and Statements of Faith and the Development of Christian Identities. 2024 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Episcopal Leadership and Synodical Authority in the Coptic Acts of Ephesus 431. 2024 (Comunicacao)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Late antique conciliar documentation in Syriac and the development of the Syriac churches. 2024 (Conferência)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . The Suppression and Integration of Religious Groups in Late Antiquity. 2024 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . The music of faith: sung statements of faith in the fourth and fifth centuries. 2023 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . The missing names: scribes in late antique societies. 2023 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . The Syriac reception of fifth-century anti-Nestorian refutations. 2023 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . ʿEllātā (causae): the reception of a late-antique ?genre? and the development of the tradition of Syriac schools. 2023 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Transmedial names : lists and dialogues in late-antique religious controversies. 2023 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Joint statements: the participation of bishops, counts, governors, monks and soldiers in fourth and fifth-century synods. 2023 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . O ser humano na patrística grega. 2023 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Sourcing/Sources in late-antique historiographers. 2023 (Conferência)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Traktat des Theodotos von Ankyra gegen Nestorius. 2022 (Conferência)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Biographical Allegiances and Rivalries of Late-antique Bishops in Conciliar Networks. 2022 (Congresso)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Comparative Perspectives on Late Antique Egypt: Response. 2022 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Eusebius of Caesarea's engagement in Syriac Christianities. 2022 (Comunicacao)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . The Diaphanous Reputation of Late Antique Patristic Authors on the Byzantine Folio. 2022 (Conferência)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Response to ?Theorizing Syriac Artistic Viewing?. 2021 (Outra)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . The reception of Nicaea and the development of monasteries under the Arian and Nicene bishops. 2021 (Comunicacao)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Change and resilience of the cult of saints in late antique Carthage. 2021 (Conferência)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Debater, definir, dividir: considerações sobre a história das religiões no Império Sassânida (séculos IV-V). 2021 (Conferência)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Cartas festais alexandrinas: entre pronunciamento glocal e monumentalização da escrita. 2021 (Conferência)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Peter?s dialogical victories: religious leadership in the Pseudo-Clementines and its Syriac reception. 2021 (Comunicacao)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . North African Latin encomiastic verses for Byzantine Greeks. 2021 (Comunicacao)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . 'Romanização' no Norte da África pós-vândala. 2020 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . O papel da poesia litúrgica judaica e seu espaço de performance. 2020 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Hellenistic dramatic metres and performance practices in popular and polemic late antique poetry. 2020 (Congresso)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Over the fence: the shadow of Persia in late-antique Greek writing. 2020 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Deus adiuta Romanis ? narratives of sixth- and seventh-century religious violence in the East and the Roman rhetoric of peace. 2020 (Comunicacao)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . As expressões poéticas da Filosofia Tardo Antiga e sua relação com a materialidade escrita. 2019 (Conferência)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Religious dissent, civil wars and the end of Antiquity. 2019 (Comunicacao)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Alexandria in control? The written reception and oral transmission of Festal Letters in the light of fifth-century papyri. 2019 (Comunicacao)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Vineyards, Wine, Women, and Writing: Materiality in the Communication of 6th Century Eastern Monastic Settlements. 2019 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Dalmatius, Eutyches, Victor and the Transmission of Consensus in Christological Controversies. 2019 (Seminário)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Roman missionary activity in 4th to 5th c. Sassanid Persia. 2018 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Network analysis of late-antique synodical documentation and the reception of the Council of Ephesus (431). 2018 (Comunicacao)
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . The reception of the Council of Nicaea by ethnic minorities in the eastern Roman Empire. 2018 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Spicing Nonnus up: commercial and religious crossroads and Nonnus? representation of the East. 2018 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . The ?Encomium of the Martyrs? and the Syriac reception of Eusebius of Caesarea. 2018 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Egyptian female coenobitic monasticism during the early Arab conquest: Maximus the Confessor on Alexandrian nuns in exile. 2018 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Coptic narratives of popular and synodical unanimous discourses during the Christological Controversies. 2018 (Seminário)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Translations of Unanimous Discourses at Christian Synods during the Christological Controversies. 2018 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Narratives of synodical harmony and consensus in Late Antiquity. 2018 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Eusebian ?tradition? and individualised Caesarean lived Christian religion in Late Antiquity: an introduction to ?Institutionalisation of the tradition and individualised lived Christian religion in Late Antiquity?. 2017 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . The influence of Late Antique religious polemical discourse on Early Byzantine perceptions of the first Muslim victories. 2017 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Egyptian Female Coenobitic Monasticism during the Early Arab Conquest: Maximus the Confessor on Alexandrian Nuns in Exile. 2017 (Congresso)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Recovering Christian Identities from Late Antiquity: the ongoing discovery and rediscovery of Syriac manuscripts, their diversity and limitations. 2017 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . ?Histories? of Theodoret of Cyrrhus: transmission, reception, and identity. 2017 (Seminário)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Historiographic narratives on the authority of imperial writings in Christian polemics. 2016 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Peace and Harmony at Church Councils and in the Roman Empire under Theodosius II. 2016 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Roman Elements of Religious Dispute Resolutions in the Theodosian Age. 2016 (Comunicacao)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Arab Conquerors in Greek Ecclesiastical Sources from Sozomen to the Lateran Council (649): Between Heresiology and Ethnography. 2015 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Transforming the voice of some into collective unanimous clamour. 2015 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Coptic conciliar historiography: appropriation of history and the creation of the past between conciliar acts and hagiography in the Acts of Ephesus 431. 2015 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . The nature of a discourse and the uniqueness of meaning: Christian tradition and imperial authority during the Nestorian controversy. 2015 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Procedural similarities between fourth and fifth-century Christian synods and the Roman Senates: myth, politics or cultural identity?. 2015 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . The representation of dialogues and consensus in the Acts of Ephesus (431). 2015 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Greek and Syriac Christological refutations, dialogues and florilegia (5-8 CE). 2015 (Simposio)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Dialogues in Syriac translation: Theodotus of Ancyra Contra Nestorium. 2015 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Polêmica e retórica nos Capadócios: Gregório de Nissa, Contra Eunomium, II 294-358. 2014 (Conferência)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Collective decision-making: the Roman Senate and religious tribunals. 2014 (Comunicacao)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . The record of acclamations and cries in the Acts of Ephesus (431). 2014 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Ritualised decisions, proceedings, and the development of tradition in late antique Christian synods and the Roman Senates. 2013 (Seminário)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Fifth-century decision making rituals in the East: Senate and imperial synods. 2013 (Seminário)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Narrativas de unanimidade e diálogo em cartas e protocolos sinodais tardo-antigas. 2013 (Comunicacao)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Eastern Monasticism in Late Antiquity. 2012 (Outra)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Christological treatises in Eastern Christianity: comparison of the Ethiopic and Syriac reception of Cyrillian works from the First Council of Ephesus.. 2013 (Comunicacao)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . 'Dear prefect, Stop the ill rumour!' John of Antioch?s tactics to counter Cyrillian propaganda after the Council of Ephesus I. 2012 (Conferência)
    • Garcia, M. V. P. ; Frenkel, L. M. . O problema de Kendall na esfera. 2008 (Seminário)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . The impact of Travel and Distance on some of the early Ecumenical Councils. 2010 (Conferência)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . ?Even though you are earth, to heaven you shall depart? ? Basil of Seleucia?s Anthropology in His Ascension Homily (CPG 6659). 2011 (Conferência)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Fifth-century Greek homiletics and the iconography of the Crucifixion. 2012 (Conferência)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Reason and faith in the homilies of Theodotus of Ancyra. 2009 (Conferência)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Liturgical settings for homilies in the First Council of Ephesus (431AD). 2010 (Conferência)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Preaching at the Council of Ephesus (431). 2010 (Conferência)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . What are sermons doing in the Proceedings of a Council? The case of Ephesus 431. 2011 (Conferência)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION ; BERGMANN, C. . Von São Paulo nach Erfurt über Cambridge, Rom und Birmingham: Luise Frenkel kehrt ans Max-Weber-Kolleg zurück. 2017 WortMelder ? Das News-Portal der Universität Erfurt
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Easter Term Gates Scholars' Internal Symposium. 2009 (Gates Scholars Council)
    • SANTOS, M. M. ; DINTER, M. ; GUERIN, C. ; FRENKEL, L. M. . Reading Roman Declamation - Second Session: (Ps.-)Quintilian. 2013 (Universidade de São Paulo)
    • SCATOLIN, A. ; SEBASTIANI, B. B. ; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, F. ; MACEDO, J. M. M. ; FRENKEL, L. M. ; PINTO, J. C. O. . II Simpósio de Iniciação Científica em Letras Clássicas da USP. 2015 (Universidade de São Paulo)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION ; GRAUMANN, T. . Councils in Perspective: A Colloquium in the Research of Late-Antique Christian Synods. 2019 (University of Cambridge)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Ciclo de encontros sobre Entextualização de percepções naturais no Mediterrâneo antigo. 2023 (Universidade de São Paulo)
    • FRENKEL, LUISE MARION . Grupo de Leitura ?Triangulações de tradições orais no Mediterrâneo e Atlântico. 2019 (Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas)
    • FRENKEL, L. M. . Summer Gates Scholars? Internal Symposium. 2009 (Gates Scholars Council)
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Gates Cambridge Trust: annual report. 2008
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Gates Cambridge Trust: annual report. 2009
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Gates Cambridge Trust: annual report. 2010
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Gates Cambridge Trust: annual report. 2011
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de atividades correspondente ao período de janeiro - maio de 2002. 2002
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de atividades correspondente ao período de agosto de 2001 a dezembro de 2001. 2001
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de aluno bolsista: primeiro semestre. 2003
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de aluno bolsista: segundo semestre. 2003
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de aluno bolsista: primeiro semestre. 2004
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de aluno bolsista: segundo semestre. 2004
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de aluno bolsista: primeiro semestre. 2005
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de aluno bolsista: segundo semestre. 2005
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de aluno bolsista: primeiro semestre. 2006
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de aluno bolsista: segundo semestre. 2006
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório Científico Final. 2014
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Brazil Visiting Fellows Scheme ? Report. 2017
    • Luise Marion Frenkel . Report. 2020
    • Frenkel, L. M. . Relatório de atividades correspondente ao período de junho de 2002 a janeiro de 2003. 2003
  • Projetos de Pesquisa: 13
    • Nome do projeto: Early ?Christian? Epigraphy and Iconography ? A new approach to Doelger?s classical project (2012 - 2014
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , A. Brent , M. Vinzent .
      Descrição: British Academy Research Development Award (BARDA) project
    • Nome do projeto: Preaching after Easter. An interdisciplinary Analysis of Greek Festal Sermons on Ascension and Pentecost (ca. 350 ? ca. 450 AD) (2009 - 2012
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , J Leemans , P. Allen , Bishop III, R. .
      Descrição: The project?s principal goal is to gain a better understanding of the processes by which Christian identity was formed liturgically, especially as evidenced by sermons preached on the feasts of Ascension and Pentecost.
    • Nome do projeto: A tradição retórica clássica em coleções de documentos gregos da Antiguidade Tardia (2013 - 2014
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , SANTOS, M. M. .
      Descrição: O objeto da pesquisa são as cartas e discursos compostos na primeira metade do século V d.C. e, daí, transmitidos nas coleções gregas e latinas de documentos conciliares. A finalidade da pesquisa é o estudo dos efeitos retóricos na recepção dos textos, no qual se distinga a recepção imediata e posterior das obras e coleções, ou ainda, o "público original", a que o autor mesmo visou ao compor sua carta ou discurso, e o "público posterior", que o compilador teve em mente ao reunir as obras.
    • Nome do projeto: Diálogos polêmicos tardo-antigos: edição crítica e comentário (2014 - 2017
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , VAN DEUN, P. , HOUGHTON, H. .
      Descrição: O objeto da pesquisa são textos gregos do V século d.C. e suas traduções siríacas (V-VI d.C.) relacionados às polêmicas do reinado de Teodósio II. A finalidade é a edição crítica e comentada de manuscritos que preservam tratados e diálogos inéditos (publicação prevista na série CCSG, editora Brepols, Turnhout-BE).
    • Nome do projeto: O problema de Kendall na esfera (2003 - 2007
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , Garcia, M. V. P. .
      Descrição: O projeto visa estender o Problema de Kendall, formulado para rolamentos de uma esfera sobre o plano, aos movimentos de uma esfera de raio 1, rolando sem escorregar e sem pivotar sobre geodésicas de uma esfera de raio maior que 1. Mais precisamente, busca determinar quantos movimentos desse tipo são necessários para levar posições prefixadas de referenciais ortonormais de um ponto a outro da esfera maior. Emprega-se para tanto resultados de Teoria de Controle, Cinemática do corpo rígido, Mecânica Hamiltoniana e Lagrangiana, Ângulos de Euler e Sistemas Dinâmicos.
    • Nome do projeto: Retórica de consenso tardo-antiga: redação e transmissão de atas sinodais e senatoriais (2014 - 2017
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , GRAUMANN, T. , RÜPKE, J. .
      Descrição: Este projeto analisa as estratégia de comunicação tardo-antigas para a representação escrita de decisões unânimes. Questionando a relevância dos modelos elaborados nos últimos dois séculos a partir de um conjunto de fontes limitado, o projeto pretende mostrar que as semelhanças estruturais e argumentativas entre as atas e registros sinodais e senatoriais não resultaram de emulação (deliberada) ou imposição de práticas dos Senados (de Roma e de Constantinopla). Os resultados podem ser estendidos para as estratégias tardo-antigas de registro e reinterpretação de demonstrações coletivas de aprovação e desaprovação, e para seu uso na auto-representação de grupos e de seus membros em relação à identidade imperial e às diretrizes de religiões institucionalizadas.
    • Nome do projeto: Literatura e arqueologia da representação de consenso na Antigüidade Tardia (2017 - 2021
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , RÜPKE, J. .
      Descrição: The proposed research addresses the late-antique narrative resources used to present consensual and unanimous actions in processes of institutionalisation and individualisation in religious contexts, and the changes in the interpretation of the texts during their reception and transmission. My project aims to examine their sociohistorical framework and political function, especially in processes of institutionalisations of the past and of religious or political groups. The focus falls on fifth-century Greek sources which inaugurate the redaction and compilation of proceedings and codes as known in Roman Law and Christian Conciliar Studies. The project also follows the changes in the material and social ideas about codifications and compilations. It engages with theories on Christian and Roman identities, and their development and influence. For example, the seemingly similar proceedings of Christian synods and decision-making sessions of civil institutions in the Roman Empire and their cultural and historical significance will be analysed. Expanding previous work, in part pursued in conjunction with the Kolleg-Forschergruppe Religiöse Individualisierung in historischer Perspektive (KFG) at the Max-Weber-Kolleg (MWK) during a three-months junior fellowship in 2015-16, the project advances the thesis that the written representations of unanimity and consensus are primarily literary creations which contributed tokens of authority to the discourse for which they were composed.
    • Nome do projeto: Historiography of Arab incursions and religious controversies (2017 Atual)
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. .
      Descrição: The goal is to analyse the communicative processes that enabled seventh-century Greek, Latin, Syriac and Coptic authors to employ the characterisation of violence, destruction, death and damnation consolidated in fourth- and fifth-century writings on Christian polemics to refer to (power) political, economic, administrative, cultural and religious processes, such as the Arab expansion, which are posed as threats, countering propaganda of peace and stability which had gained strength after the end of the Persian might.
    • Nome do projeto: Diálogos e florilégios tardo-antigos (2017 Atual)
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , VAN DEUN, P. .
      Descrição: The project examines the contents, literary articulation and codicological presentation of dialogues and florilegia in which Cyrillian passages predominate. It analyses their contribution to anti-Nestorian invective in Greek, Syriac and Arabic literary communities, relating their reception to the concomitant composition of works in these intellectual cultures.
    • Nome do projeto: Philosophical, doxographical and religious controversies and litigations (2022 Atual)
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. .
    • Nome do projeto: Social Rituals in the Roman World (2012 - 2017
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , P. van Nuffelen , ZUIDERHOEK, A. .
      Descrição: Inspired by recent developments in the social scientific study of rituals, we aim to focus on the ritualisation of a number of different aspects of social life. For, arguably, many social spheres or social phenomena (e.g. the economy, social hierarchies, political communities) could hardly function properly without the trust, legitimation or sense of collective identity provided and reinforced by public rituals.In addition to exploring ritual in a wider section of social phenomena than usual in Classics, the breadth of expertise within the centre (archaeology, social, economic, and cultural history) will allow us to expand the range of sources usually adduced. Specific attention will also be dedicated to comparative studies: the Roman Empire was a multicultural and multireligious society, and rituals in one part of the empire or among adherents of one religion should not be presumed to be identical.
    • Nome do projeto: As homilias de Teódoto de Ancira e o Concílio de Éfeso (431) (2007 - 2011
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , GRAUMANN, T. .
      Descrição: O projeto analisa da construção retórica da auto-representação de bispos e membros da administração imperial em cenários sinodais do quinto-século, em que os concílios lidam tanto com assuntos disciplinares como doutrinais. Estuda a veiculação oral e escrita de sermões, discursos e cartas para angariar apoio, reivindicar que as decisões eram unânimes e difamar oponentes como heterodoxos, excomungados ou corruptos. A pesquisa interdisciplinar histórica, teológica e literária de textos gregos, latinos e etiópicos, e arqueológica da evidência de recintos cristão em Éfeso no início do quinto século acrescenta uma nova dimensão às evidências para os estudos conciliares, que geralmente atem-se às minutas e aos documentos mencionados naquelas.
    • Nome do projeto: The authority of consensus in Late Antiquity: narratives of popular, senatorial and synodical unanimity (2017 - 2018
      Natureza: Pesquisa
      Integrantes: FRENKEL, L. M. , RÜPKE, J. .
      Descrição: The proposed research addresses the late-antique narrative resources used to present consensual and unani-mous actions in processes of institutionalisation and individualisation in religious contexts, and the changes in the interpretation of the texts during their reception and transmission. My project aims to examine their sociohistorical framework and political function, especially in processes of institutionalisations of the past and of religious or political groups. The focus falls on fifth-century Greek sources which inaugurate the redaction and compilation of proceedings and codes as known in Roman Law and Christian Conciliar Studies. The project also follows the changes in the material and social ideas about codifications and compilations. It engages with theories on Christian and Roman identities, and their development and influence. For example, the seemingly similar proceedings of Christian synods and decision-making sessions of civil institutions in the Roman Empire and their cultural and historical significance will be analysed. Expanding previous work, in part pursued in conjunction with the Kolleg-Forschergruppe ?Religiöse Individualisierung in historischer Perspektive? (KFG) at the Max-Weber-Kolleg (MWK) during a three-months junior fellowship in 2015-16, the project advances the thesis that the written representations of unanimity and consensus are primarily literary creations which con-tributed tokens of authority to the discourse for which they were composed.
  • Nome orientando Área Nível de Programa
    Bruna Weidt Santos Jacintho Braga Letras Clássicas Mestrado
    Karolina Santos da Rocha História Social Mestrado
  • Nome orientando Área Nível de Programa Data de defesa
    Benedito de Pina Almeida Prado Neto Letras Clássicas Mestrado 16/03/2023